dimarts, 20 de maig del 2008

"A mig camí" in other languages

From now on, you will be able to read "A mig camí" in other languages. In the right margin you can find three buttons which translate in some seconds the whole blog to english, spanish or french.

This is due to the suggestion did by Dimos in a comment some days ago. So, thanks a lot Dimos for being interested in reading my blog and for helping me to improve it.

I have tested the english and spanish versions and they are pretty good.

1 comentari:

Deyza ha dit...

Està molt bé això i espero que s'expandeixi per altres blogs i idiomes, jo mateix prendre exemple aviat.

Trobo una iniciativa molt interessant les jornades de divulgació científica que esteu realitzant i intentaré escapar-me de castellers un d'aquests divendres per a assistir-hi.